How to start a Bitumen Emulsion Business

Obviously, everyone thought about establishing a business at least for one time in their life. The aspire of working entirely for yourself, not for somebody else, is appealing.

 But only a few dare to open their own business. On the other hand, some people do not have tangible ideas, and some do not dare to take risks and to take out loans, even if the financial sides, as vital as it is, does not have a demanding point on future business. As in the famous quote, a good idea is a key to success.

 AN IDEA is always the start point

This article is an attempt for figuring out how to establish a business for producing bitumen emulsions. What is the reason for talking about bitumen emulsions? It’s simple. 

This is a product which is promising now, and will remain so for decades. Thus the bitumen emulsion business has a long-term progressive future. Yearly the amount of vehicles for freight and passenger cars is on the rise, and, as a consequence, the need for roads is increasing. Clearly, the existing hot bitumen-based asphalt pavement is getting weaker, and roads cheapen prematurely. Due to that, the use of bitumen emulsions can make a big fortune: as they make the roadways better in terms of quality and durability.

 The significant point is that they don’t only use bitumen emulsions, for construction but also for repairing the roads! Thus, there is no doubt in the long-term business attitude for producing bitumen emulsions. Now is the time for writing a business plan.


Primarily, it is necessary to have a clear definition of goals and objectives, and the order in actions:

1. Providing enough money for investment;

2. Conducting contracts with buyers;

3. coordinating production of bitumen emulsions and also other relating products, for instance, bituminous mastics.

The next important factor is the determination of the number of employed people in the project. Initially, 10-12 hired workers are sufficient. Additional tasks could be considered:

  • improving the service life of asphalt concrete pavements;
  • better environment protection (using bitumen emulsions would not cause harmful radiations);
  • betterment in energy consumption reduction when producing asphalt mixtures using bitumen emulsions;
  • writing new strategies for entering a new market.

It is also crucial to define the goal market, which includes all the road-construction companies in the country, businesses that produce roofing materials, construction companies, and enterprises for oil and important thing that must not be neglected is the competition analysis.

 The competitors have been in the business and working in the market for a long time and have been able to secure their market position. By assessment of the practical factors which assisted the competitors in getting their share to create the first steps. Notice that it is essential to be better than your competitors in every aspect! 

Only through this approach will assist in acquiring a foothold in the market in bitumen emulsions, and not shut down the business in the first months of operation. Here you require the element of novelty. There can be many options. For instance, you can make the offer of reducing energy consumptions in the production of asphalt mixtures with bitumen emulsions.