History Of Roads


The first shapes of road transport were oxen and horses carrying properties on tracks, for example, the Natchez Trace. At the time of the Paleolithic Age, the constructed tracks were not needed in the open country. Fordsmountain passes are the first places were the first improved trails showed up and over swamps. Removing trees and huge stones on the path was practically considered as the first steps of improvements in road-making. With the growth of commerce, the tracks grow flatter and also wider to accommodate traffic for humans and animals. A considerable number of the dirt tracks were improved into fairly comprehensively expended networks that would allow trade and communications and governance over vast stretches. The Empire of Incan in South America and the Iroquois Confederation in North America, but none of them were privileged with the wheel. Still, these are the examples that prove they were effectively using such paths.

Primarily humans used their backs and heads to carry the goods on, and when they use of horses and donkeys started to spread during the Neolithic Age. The conventional theory on the first vehicle to be used is the travois, which basically a frame that its use was to drag loads, which most likely developed in Eurasia after firstly using the bullocks (castrated cattle) to pull ploughs. In around 5000 BC, sleds progressed, that was more difficult to make than travois but were more comfortable to actuate over smooth surfaces. Because wider paths and higher clearances are required for pack animals, ridden horses and bullocks dragging sleds or travois than it is with people on feet and progressed tracks were needed. 

Harappan roads

The age of the street paving goes back to the settlements of the first human around 4000 BC in cities like Indus Valley Civilization in contemporary Pakistan, also Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Roads, long and straight, sometimes making intersections with one another.