Constituent factors of bitumen analysis

Bitumen analysis refers to a set of tests and parameters that are performed to evaluate the physical and chemical properties of bitumens.  These parameters mainly include the following:

See Also: Bitumen Africa Product Specifications 

1. Specific Gravity

This parameter refers to the ratio of the weight of bitumen to the weight of an equal volume of water and represents the density of bitumen.

2. Viscosity

Viscosity indicates bitumen's resistance to flow.  This parameter is measured at different temperatures and has a great impact on bitumen efficiency in different conditions.

3. Softening Point

The point at which bitumen softens under heat.  This parameter is very important in determining the working temperature of bitumen.

4. Fraass Breaking Point

The point at which bitumen turns from flexibility to failure.  This parameter indicates the bitumen's resistance to low temperatures.

5. Tensile and Flexural Strength

These parameters refer to the strength of bitumen in bearing different stresses that occur in different road and asphalt conditions.

6. Volatile Matter Content

Measuring the amount of volatile substances in bitumen that helps the efficiency and stability of bitumen.

7. Chemical Composition

Including the investigation of the hydrocarbon composition of bitumen and various components in it such as paraffins and aromatics.

8. Stability

Determining the ability of bitumen to maintain its physical and chemical properties over time and under different conditions.

See: Bitumen Africa Products


Bitumen analysis is very important in the construction and asphalting industry.  By understanding these parameters, you can choose the right bitumen for different projects.