Advantages of Concrete

Why do some countries have started replacing asphalt Roads with concrete?

India has started to expand its usage, for instance, if you drive from Pune to Mumbai, you will notice the expressway being beautifully paved in concrete.
It not just that even more in almost all the new projects in India they are mostly using concrete rather than asphalt. However, still, there are a lot of popular highways that are still in asphalt.

Concrete Roadway’s Advantages
The first and also the most essential properties of a road is probably its durability and how easy they are to maintain, comparing the concrete and the asphalt we come to this conclusion that concrete seems to last at least 30 years more than the asphalt that can only last 10 years and then they need repair, meaning the average life span for concrete is around 40 years.

It does not mean that once you set them, they will never need repair or maintenance, they also break now and then but the difference is that they don’t need repair and support as much as asphalt.

Less fuel consumption: using concrete instead of asphalt can make a massive difference for the vehicles in consuming less gas. The approximate decrease in the consumption of the gas is 15 to 20%, and that is because the concrete is smoother and will impose less deflect under the wheels of loaded trucks.

Extremeness of weather and fuel spillage: Asphalt roads due to their components sometimes when some specific chemicals are added to it they start do dissolve or other chemical reactions that can cause the asphalt to change, but concrete is more resistant against them, as well as being more resistant against the extreme weather conditions like rain snow and heat.

Healthier process; while producing bitumen much hazard and polluting gases are released, and the amount of dangerous gases that are provided by the bitumen production is much more than concrete production.

In addition to that, based on the fact that the less the cars consume gas the less pollution they can cause, and we that cars consume at least 15% percent less gas as they move on a concrete road.

Saving more natural resources: the other big difference between asphalt and the concrete is that for producing bitumen gas is needed in another word, bitumen comes from crude oil, and obviously, oil is not a renewable recourse, so it is vital to have better approach toward consuming this valuable resource.
Abundantly available limestone is what is being used in the production of concrete which is highly accessible and easy to obtain.