Advantages of Bitumen 2

Bitumen is Safe

The water can quickly drain through the pavement surface due to the bitumen’s porous form. The other benefit of this will be a reduction in the amount of splash and spray from moving vehicles. Therefore it can create excellent visibility in rainy conditions.

“utilizing drainage wearing courses, made of porous mixes is one of the most reliable solutions for the betterment of tire-pavement contact when the road is wet.

The other advantages of bitumen are skid resistance because of maximum tire contact with the roadways, reduction of the glare because of it’s a dark color and also accelerating melting the ice and snow, creating a better contrast of lane markings.

Also, because the construction of the bitumen goes faster, then it can be safer in some cases for the passengers.

Bitumen is Durable


It’s a well-known fact that if the conditions are right and the design is decent, then bitumen roads have this ability to last forever.

Bitumen roads are made of several durable layers, bearing the maximum load above an unbound granular layer.

Also, as a response to a problem, in case of a need for the repairment of the bitumen road, they will be able to act quick.


Bitumen is Fast to Construct and to Maintain

Because bitumen does not need a “cure” time, meaning: the motorists can use the road as soon as the last road roller finishes the job. This specific feature can save the road construction projects, many delays which can also make the travels safer for the people, and that is a significant feature.

Being fast in construction has made it possible for the roads to be opened immediately after installation or rehabilitation.

Because bitumen roads don’t have any joints to repair, it makes them immune against freeze-thaw actions, on the other hand, it reduces repairment requirement, so they become much less expensive to maintain.     

The other interesting point about bitumen in order to upgrade it when the volume of traffic increases is that they apply an overlay or lane widening instead of removing it entirely.

This convenience of applying rehabilitation means that bitumen roads can remain open while they are being upgraded, which is a big help in keeping the traffic running.

Bitumen is up to 100% Reusable.

Bitumen pavements are capable of being recycled several times by reusing them in bituminous mixtures. There is no end-of-life pictured for bitumen.

Almost 100% of this product is right for recycling. Therefore using it is an excellent help to preserve the natural resources.

The deteriorated bitumen road material can be recycled through two methods: first, recycling in place( including both hot and cold techniques). Second, recycling at offsite.

Hot in-place recycling involves heating the topper layer of the bitumen and then relaying the existing road. Now cold in-place recycling consists in removing some certain levels of the road, pulverizing it, mixing it with additional materials then laying it and compacting and release. This is a beneficial process because it saves much energy